Getting into the mindset of a burglar might not be the most obvious approach to home security, however it is a good idea to take a careful look at your home and identify its weak points.
Below are a few things that may enter the mind of a burglar – ask yourself whether they apply to you and how you could improve upon vulnerabilities within your home.
Do a walk-around of your house, thinking like a burglar.
Focus on entry points such as doors, gates and windows, and think about ways you could make them more secure. Did you know that one-third of burglars gain access from an unlocked/open door or window? Lock up your home, even if you go out only for a short time.
Think about how to manage your keys when moving house.
New homeowners are twice as likely to be burgled in the first twelve months of moving. You should consider changing the locks as soon as you move into your new home.
The number of ‘spare keys’ to a property can easily build up, as homeowners cut keys to give to neighbours, builders, and carers while some ‘hide’ spare keys in the garden or garage. Unless a homeowner tracks down all the copies of the keys they’ve given out, there’s a chance they can fall into the wrong hands.
Burglars love working in the dark.
Security lights, including motion-activated systems, are inexpensive deterrents. Remember to install them both on the inside and around the exterior of your property.
Invest in a security system.
Government statistics have revealed that 60% of burglaries in homes with an alarm system are unsuccessful.
Ideally choose an alarm that has an off-site monitoring system that will be alerted if a possible security breach occurs at your home.
Hide your valuables.
Go outside and look through the windows of your home to see what an intruder may find enticing. Avoid displaying collectibles or other valuable items where they are easily visible from the street, as this could be very appealing to a thief. Ensure you store car and house keys in a cupboard well away from doors and windows.
As you can see, there are many things to consider when securing your home. Taking a moment to ‘think like a criminal’ and anticipate their moves could mean that your home stays secure from a break in.